Hatched Monday June 3, arrived at the farm Wednesday June 5, our new flock of chickens has been a delight. Overjoyed by their beauty and life energy, I have decided to name them all. The Great Compassion Dharani has come to inspire me to find the names.
1.SIN-MYO: Andalusian Blue Rooster
2. JANG-GU: Andalusian Blue Hen
3. NAMORA: Cochin Buff Hen, aka UGG
4. DANA: Cochin White Hen (died Saturday July 27)
5. DARA: Cochin Black Hen
6. YAYA: Cochin Partridge Hen
7. AROGYE: Dorking Hen (dark colored)
8. AROGA: Dorking Hen (light colored)
9. HYE-HYE: Plymouth Rock white
10. HA-RYE: Plymouth Rock white
11. MAHA: Australorp black rooster
12. MOJI: Australorp black hen
13. SADABA: Ameraucana hen
14. SAMARA: Hamburg hen
Please come out to the farm retreat in August to meet them in person!